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~~Lake Michigan Midnite~~

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Drove out to Lake Michigan mid-nite
Born to Run blaring in my ears
Singing along, free and alive
As never before

Walk out on the pier
Surrounded by strangers, never see again
See the pretty girls having a good time
They pass me by

Sit on that pier for time unknown
Couples and friends, they come and go
Look for that girl, lonely as I
But she doesn't show
She doesn't show

I drive back home maybe 3 AM
A little sadder than hours before
A shred of hope is lost
But I say "I'll be back soon"

And sit on that pier for time unknown
Watch the couples and friends, they come and go
And look for that girl, lonely as I
And hope she'll show

And hope she'll show
I hope she'll show

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[never played]


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