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Songlists - Covers

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This list includes all songs Narpar has covered, live or in a recording.

[r] means recorded, [l] means played live

  1. 1979 (Smashing Pumpkins) [r] [l]

  2. Aeroplane Flies High, The (Smashing Pumpkins) [tease] [l]

  3. Alien (Pennywise) [l]

  4. Cherub Rock (Smashing Pumpkins) [l]

  5. Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) [l]

  6. Defy You (Offspring) [r] [l]

  7. Everlong (Foo Fighters) [r] [l]

  8. Geek U.S.A (Smashing Pumpkins) [r]

  9. Half a World Away (REM) [r]

  10. In the Flesh (Pink Floyd) [tease] [l]

  11. Iris (Goo Goo Dolls) [l]

  12. Jackboot (Smashing Pumpkins) [tease] [l]

  13. Jellybelly (Smashing Pumpkins) [l]

  14. Just Like Heaven (Cure) [l]

  15. Million Miles Away (Offspring) [l]

  16. Monkeywrench (Foo Fighters) [l]

  17. Original Prankster (Offspring) [l]

  18. Phantom of the Opera, The (Lloyd Webber, arr. Narpar) [tease] [r] [l]

  19. Porcelina of the Vast Oceans (Smashing Pumpkins) [r] [l]

  20. Rock and Roll (Led Zeppelin) [l]

  21. Silverfuck (Smashing Pumpkins) [tease] [l]

  22. Siva (Smashing Pumpkins) [l]

  23. Solitary Man (Diamond) [r]

  24. Stand Inside Your Love (Smashing Pumpkins) [l]

  25. Staring at the Sun (Offspring) [l]

  26. Starla (Smashing Pumpkins)

  27. Star Spangled Banner, The (Key, arr. Aymor) [l]

  28. Superchrist (Smashing Pumpkins) [r]

  29. Thru the Eyes of Ruby (Smashing Pumpkins) [r]

  30. Tonight, Tonight (Smashing Pumpkins) [l]