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Title- 3-25
Author- Narpar
Album- Ja for Jdu
Author of Tab- Adam Beagle

/= slide
b= bend
r= release bend
h= hammer on
p= pull off
[3]= 16th note triplet
N.H= natural harmonic

Tuning- Standard
Tempo- 60

Intro (repeat from 0:04-0:52)
Guitar 1 (low gain)

Guitar 3 (low gain with Digitech "Synthtalk" effect)

Guitar 4 (clean, very soft)

2nd Rythym part (repeat from 0:52-1:08)
(Gt. 3 keeps repeating this until 1:40)



Gt. 4

First Solo (0:20-1:40)

Guitar 2 (medium gain, "dark" cabinet, compressor, reverb, delay)





1st Ending Section Rythym Part (1:40-2:00)
  (play part in parentheses 2 times)

Gt. 4 (clean, louder than before)

Ending Section: 2nd Rythym Part (2:00-2:12)
  (repeat first part until D.S, then play "ending")

Gt. 4                      |D.S.                            Ending

Ending Section Lead Part (1:47-2:14)

Gt. 2 (softer, slightly lower gain)


Ending (2:15-2:25)

Gt. 4 (freely, fading)

|Gt.2 (soft, freely, slight ritard)